
House Fencing: From The Cheapest To Most Expensive, Explained

Putting a fence around your house isn’t a cakewalk by any means. Along with having to measure out the dimensions and prep your area, you have to put together a budget that works with your aesthetic and the purpose that you want to have.

What are the prices of house fencing, from cheapest to most expensive? Wire fencing is the cheapest, followed by chain link fencing, then wooden fencing. If you are willing to splurge, vinyl, aluminum, brick, and wrought iron are more expensive options to consider.

If you want to know more about what you should expect for fencing prices, or what your budget can afford you, read this article. It’s here to help you make the most of your budgeting time…

What Are The Cheapest Types Of Fencing?

If you are looking to get the most bang for your buck, almost any type of wire fencing will be your best bet. Wire fencing can cost anywhere from $1 to $5 per linear foot, which means that it’s one of the cheapest ways to fence in a yard.

The most common types of fencing in this category include:

  • Barbed wire
  • Chicken wire
  • Woven wire
  • Electric fencing
  • Hog wire

Wire fencing is not considered to be aesthetically pleasing, and is usually viewed as a utilitarian fence type. So, if you have farm animals, this is a good option. That said, most homeowners do not want this in their home due to its rusting risk and its proclivity towards being an eyesore.

Where Can Wire Fencing Be Used?

Most wire-based fencing is considered to be a bad choice for standard homes due to its appearance and build. Wire fencing is best used for farming, gardening settings, as well as industrial settings.

If you live in a high-crime neighborhood, it’s possible to add barbed wire to the top of your fence. However, it’s best to check with local zoning laws, as many cities have been known to ban this material within limits.

What Are The Cheapest Types Of Home Fencing?

Wire fencing isn’t a common home choice, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find some affordable, cheap-ish fencing materials that are suited for using around a house. Homeowners who are looking for serious bang for their proverbial bucks should look into the following types of fencing:

  • Chain link
  • Bamboo
  • White picket fencing
  • Horse fencing
  • Split rail

Much like with super-cheap wire fencing, you can expect these fences to be affordable for most people. Depending on the type, you can expect these fence types to range in price from $5 to $15 per square foot, with chain link and bamboo fencing being the most affordable.

Unlike wire fencing, these options are considered to be more aesthetically pleasing, so you probably won’t have an issue with your local Homeowner’s Association if you get one of these picks.

Does Using Cheap Fencing Mean You’re Getting Low Quality?

The main reason why cheap fencing materials are cheap is because they’re readily available and don’t cost as much to make. However, it is worth noting that some fencing materials are sturdier than others.

That being said, most fencing companies will have a bare minimum level of quality you can expect from them. Even if you use cheap wire fencing, you should expect to be able to enjoy your fencing for several years, at the very least.

What Are More Moderately Priced Fencing Options?

If you have extra money and are looking for a sturdy, visually-pleasing fence model that is “middle of the road” in terms of price, then you have a lot more options available to you. These options below tend to run between $10 to $22 per square foot:

  • Vinyl
  • Aluminum
  • Standard wooden fences
  • Privacy fences
  • Privacy bushes

These options are slightly more expensive than your typical “budget” home choices, but that doesn’t mean they’re unaffordable. In many cases, it’s possible to find fencing companies that offer bulk discounts on these materials.

What Can You Expect From Moderately-Priced Fencing Options?

For the most part, you should expect to see a decent amount of quality mixed with home-ready aesthetics. Most moderately-priced fences last for years (or decades), which means that you won’t have to worry too much about replacing them quickly.

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Since most HOAs also approve of wooden and vinyl fencing, it’s also a safe bet to assume that fences that are in this category will get quick approval from city boards. However, it’s still better to be safe than sorry—and to check what your local Homeowner’s Association says.

Is Wooden Fencing Durable?

Most moderately-priced fencing involves using wood as a primary building material, and that’s actually pretty great. Wood is durable and aesthetically pleasing compared to wire. However, there’s a catch.

Most wooden fencing requires maintenance to keep its good looks and functionality. As long as you are willing to put in the work, you shouldn’t have any issue with keeping your fencing intact.

Is Vinyl Fencing Worth The Money?

Vinyl fencing has been a favorite among homeowners and landscapers for ages. It’s one of the more popular moderately-priced fencing options, running at around $15 to $20 per linear foot. So, it’s a little pricier than most others in this section.

That being said, it’s generally considered to be a worthwhile investment. People love it because it’s both visually pleasant and durable. When properly maintained, vinyl fencing can stay intact for 10 to 15 years.

What Are The Most Expensive Types Of Fencing?

Do you have extra, extra money lying around? Investing in expensive, statement-ready fencing might be a good way to bolster your home’s value and add extra security at the same time. That being said, it’s rare to hear of any laws that involve requiring these types of fencing.

Most of these fencing types are found around mansions, upscale commercial buildings, or historic venues. Fences that fall into this category typically start at $20 and can cost upwards of $60 per square foot. Here’s what they are:

  • Brick
  • Stone
  • Concrete
  • Vinyl
  • Composite
  • Trex
  • Wrought iron

What’s The Most Expensive Fence You Can Have?

Assuming that we’re not talking about extremely rare materials like marble, the answer would be composite fencing. Composite fencing comes in a wide range of colors, has a tendency to look like wood, but also require less maintenance than a typical wooden fence does.

This type of fencing usually costs between $30 to $50, depending on the type, the color, and your location. If you want to own a fence that will easily last 20 years or longer, then this is a great pick.

A close second would be stone fencing, as well as poured concrete. Since the price of stone masonry has gone up in the past decade, most people who want an elegant stone or concrete fence will need to pay around $20 to $40.

With stone fencing, it’s all about the type of stone and masonry you want. If you have a rare type of stone, the price can easily increase to $75 or more.

What Can Impact The Price Of Fencing?

Along choosing the right material, there are other issues that can impact the price you pay for your fencing. Some of the most common ones include…

  • Height. A taller fence is a fence that requires more materials, as well as (potentially) more labor to install it. As a result, it’s safe to say that taller fences will usually be pricier than shorter fences made of the same material. Height can add as much as 30 percent or more to the price of a fence.
  • Customization. Standard, store-bought fencing will always be cheaper than handmade fencing made by artisans. With customized fences, you are expected to pay a premium for the quality of work done by specialists.
  • Location. If you live in a city that’s known for an expensive cost of living, then you should expect to pay more than you would if you lived in a low-income neighborhood. On a similar note, people who have to ship in fencing to a remote part of the United States may need to pay extra for material transportation.
  • Brand. Branding is one of those things that people pay a premium price for, even when it comes to fencing. Whether it’s worth it is up to you to decide, but it’s still something to keep in mind.
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How Much Does Custom Fencing Cost?

This is hard to explain in a single blurb, but the best way to answer this is to say it varies greatly. The general rule of thumb is to assume that you’re going to pay more than average. Depending on how it’s customized, you can easily see an increase of upwards of $50 or more.

With wood, you might be able to get a custom-cut fence for as little as $25 per linear foot. However, if you’re talking about a stone fence or a wrought iron fence with a special design, things get far pricier. Exceptionally tall fences or fences with designs on them can cost as much as $80 or more per foot.

Are Expensive Fences Worth It?

A high price tag usually comes with high levels of benefits, and this is especially true when it comes to building materials. Expensive fences are known for being made of materials that last and last—often for decades or longer.

However, that’s not the only advantage they have. Fences that have a premium price tag often are made to have serious aesthetic appeal. If you want to add serious curb appeal, then splurging on a high-end fence might be the smartest thing that you can do.

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How Much Should You Expect To Spend On Fencing?

How much a family should expect to spend on fencing depends on the size of the lot you’re trying to fence in as well as the fencing material. On average, a typical family will spend anywhere from $1,200 to $5,000 on fencing.

This does not always include the money you need for permits, yard preparation, or installation. So, if you want to do a full budget plan for your project, it’s best to call up fence installation crews near you for a quote.

Related Questions

  • How much does a fence gate cost? Depending on that material and build, a fence gate can cost anywhere from $200 to $700 for typical models. If you have a security fence, you should expect to pay between $400 and $3,000. Custom gates can be even higher in price.
  • How does fencing affect home price? If your fence is well-kept and aesthetically pleasing, you should expect fencing to add anywhere between $1,000 and $6,000 to your home’s price tag. However, if you’re the only house with a fence around it, your fence can actually drag property values down.
  • How much does a fence permit cost? Not all townships will have fence permits as a mandatory part of a fence installation project. However, those that do typically require homeowners to pay anywhere from $50 to $75 for the permit. Some localities may also c
  • How do you find out about fence regulations in your town? The easiest way to do it is to reach out to your local Homeowner’s Association office and ask, if you belong to one. If you aren’t a member of an HOA, then you should reach out to your local city hall to find out what protocols the town has in place regarding fencing.
  • What is the ideal budget for a fence? According to home planners, you shouldn’t spend more than 5 percent of your house’s value on fencing. Most would be even more conservative, suggesting that 1 percent of your home’s total value as a smart fencing budget.
  • How much should you spend on a surveyor? If you need to have your property measured, then you should expect to spend between $300 and $700 for a professional surveyor.

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